TA 2018 vol 3 - page 35

define their position and status.
It is clear that, after 30 years of renovation, the
establishment and diversification of ownership
have defined the appropriate economic entities.
However, the perception of ownership and
economic entities is now not suitable with modern
market economy. The division of “economic
components” leads to the discrimination and no
longer suit the current practice and international
integration of the nation.
the establishment of fundamentals for
the development of private sector:
it should continue to strengthen the
restructure of the economy in connection with
renovation of national economic growth model,
improvement of effectiveness and competitiveness.
The transformation of growth model from width
to depth, restructure of economy from developing
sectors such as material exploitation, real estate,
etc. to the technology production, agriculture and
services that Vietnam is holding advantages such
ash tourism, etc. It is important to pave the way for
private sector to take part in economic restructure
process, equitization of state enterprises, benefiting
incentives of interest, loan, capacity building, tax,
administrative prodecure, etc. when taking part in
new production and business.
, it is a must to improve the resource
allocation mechanism to mobilize and utilize
effectively the resources funded by the State. There
should be breakthroughs in eliminating apply-
granting mechanism when allocating state budget;
Tight and effectively manage the state budget to
ensure transparency from central to local levels and
monitor the implementation of projects, enhance
the responsibilities of proposals, approvals and
managements when implementing projects,
ensuring transparency in bidding and avoiding
private relationships in bidding or making loans
from state budget.
it should create a fair environment,
remove the obstables for private sector
development; Eliminate discrimination from
private sector, strengthen equitization process for
state-owned enterprises who are currently doing
business, creating opportunities for private sector.
Simultaneously, it is necessary to protect the
private ownership of assets for long-term, healthy
and sustainable business.
improving the effectiveness of
institution and management of private sector;
Developing a healthy business culture, establishing
a force of entrepreneurs who are strongly
responsible for society, accepting the new criteria
of transparency and eliminating bribery and
corruption in doing business.
constructing and implementing a
national industry policy focusing on private
sector development, encouraging application of
technologyandnursing creativity. Industrypolicies
should create a cooperative environment between
the Governmetn and private sector other than
purelyprovidingfinancial incentives; it is necessary
to be dependent on both “carrot” (incentives) and
“stick” (administrative measures) to direct the
private sector to the specific industries; it should
be developed with transparency and responsibility
and opened widely for every stakeholder.
developing infrastructure and human
resource to improve the readiness in terms of
technology for private sector and start-ups.
Developing a key infrastructure system such as
information network, internet, transporation,
etc. Establishing new testing centers, branding
system and granting product certificate for private
sector, constructing “living-worthy cities”, special
economic zones with high level of freedom and
autonomy to connect with global urban system
and to attract talents to live and work.
establishing an effective national
administrationmechanism, implementing integrity
government to create and support development.
Establishing effective public service provision
system, renovating current public service provision
system in the manner to enhance the participation
of private sector and communities. Improving the
system to reconcile disputes, judge and protect the
ownership rights, create favorable environment for
business bankruptcy abided by laws, ensuring the
principle of independent arbitrator and validate de
facto. Diversifying and extending the services such
as: judge, business consultant and arbitrator, etc.
constructing an administrative system
which is responsible before public community
to minimize the negative effects of group
benefit toward the policies. Strongly applying
digital government in all sectors to minimize
and modernize administrative procedure, limit
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