TA 2018 vol 4 - page 2

Review of Finance
The Review of Finance (ROF), under the Ministry of Finance, is the leading scientific and
theoretical journal on economic and financial fields in Vietnam. The Review of Finance has
a long history of 55 years of growth and development with major publications: Vietnamese
publications published twice a month; English publication - Review of Finance once every
On January 23rd 2018, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued Letter No. 03/
TTKHCN-ISSN on the issuance of International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for publishing
publications of the Review of Finance. Specifically:
1. The Vietnamese version of the Review of Finance with the new International Stan-
dard Serial Number ISSN 2615-8973 (Old ISSN - 005-56);
2. The English version of the Review of Finance with International Standard Serial Num-
ber ISSN 2615-8981.
The Review of Finance publishes articles, research papers, theoretical and empirical
works in all aspects of economics-finance, trade, investment, banking, and so on, frompolicy
mechanism to the reality of issues concerned by public opinion and scientific communities.
The Review of Finance also invites domestic and international researchers, specialists,
managers and readers to collaborate on writing articles published in the Review of Finance
and to subscribe for the Review of Finance.
- Vietnamese version price: VND 18,000;
- English version price: VND 35,000.
The mentioned prices include domestic postage, packing and transportation fees. For
those areas outside Vietnam, there will be an additional cost of freight and actual delivery
The Review of Finance
Address: 4th floor, Project Building, No. 4, Hang Chuoi 1 Alley, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi.
Tel: 024.39330036
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