TA 2018 vol 3 - page 50

Apr. 2018
account system factor. Based on the qualitative
research, the authors formulated a formal study
of factors affecting the quality of financial
report information in SMEs in Gia Lai province,
including 6 factors with 25 observation variables.
With the research model developed, 6 hypotheses
were tested:
Hypothesis H1:
The accounting apparatus has
the same impact on the quality of financial report
information in SMEs in Gia Lai province.
Hypothesis H2:
Corporate management has
the same impact on the quality of financial report
information in SMEs in Gia Lai province.
Hypothesis H3:
The tax policy has the
same impact on the quality of financial report
information in SMEs in Gia Lai province.
Hypothesis H4:
The accounting book form of
enterprises has the same impact on the quality of
financial information in SMEs in Gia Lai province.
Hypothesis H5:
The accounting voucher system
has the same impact on the quality of financial
information in SMEs in Gia Lai province.
Hypothesis H6:
The accounting account system
has the same impact on the quality of financial
report information in SMEs in Gia Lai province.
Quantitative research results
The total number of votes cast was 140, with
125 valid votes. The survey took place within two
months, starting in December 2017.
Reliability analysis
Use the Cronbach Alpha test to evaluate the
quality of the construction scale. According to the
authors’ own research, the scales have a Cronbach
Alpha coefficient from 0.6 upwards and the
correlation coefficient of the scale is greater than
0.3. Therefore, the scales were satisfactory and the
observation variables were continued using the
EFA discovery factor analysis.
The exploratory factor analysis
The results of the study show that KMO is
obtained by 0.744 (satisfying criterion 0.5 <KMO
<1), so the conclusion is that the factor analysis
is appropriate for the actual data. The observed
variables were linearly correlated with the
representative factor as Sig. = 0.000 ≤ 0.05.
The cumulative factor of 75.840% satisfies the
standard deviation of 50% and 6 factors with
Eigen greater than 1. The characteristic variables
have a factor load factor greater than 0.55. Thus,
through the quality assurance of the scale and
the EFA models, the identifier has six dimensions
that represent the impact on the quality of
financial report information in SMEs and one
measured represent the quality of financial report
information in SMEs in Gia Lai province with 25
variable variables.
Multiple Regression Analysis
Assessing the fit of the model:
The Adjusted
R Square is 0.472, which means that the linear
regression model was constructed in accordance
with the 47.20%data. Sig value <0.05 and F = 19.503
showed that the regression model was consistent
with the dataset, and that the variables included
were significantly statistically significant at 5%.
Verifing of the meaning of regression coefficients:
results show that there are 3 factors with Sig. ≤ 0.05
are the factors: accounting books (SS), corporate
management (QT) and accounting apparatus
(BM); These factors have the same impact on the
quality of financial statement information (CL) and
with the value of the standardized beta, among the
factors affecting the financial statement quality,
accounting apparatus factor is the strongest factor
witha coefficient of βof 0.607; followedbycorporate
management with a coefficient of β of 0.327; while
accounting book form has the weakest impact on
the β factor of 0.143. In terms of multi-collinearity,
tolerance and Variance inflation factor (VIF) are
used to detect multi-collinearity. The results
show that the VIF value (1000) of the three factors
correlated to the quality of the financial statement
information was satisfactory (1 ≤ VIF ≤ 5). Online.
Research results show that the regression model
has the following form:
Enterprises should open accounting books in
accordance with the current accounting regime
in order to ensure that all accounting vouchers
are accounted for and recorded in accounting
books. The recording, monitoring and checking
of books must be done regularly, in a timely and
accurate manner, avoiding the work done at the
end of the month, influencing the progress of
datacomparison, passed for subsequentmonths.
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