TA 2018 vol 4 - page 35

from the state budget. State management over
social insurance collection is an important content,
having a considerable influence on the existence
and development of social insurance, especially
social insurance. It can be understood that “State
management of social insurance is the process of
impact and management for the establishment
of social insurance fund. Social insurance fund
ensures the right purpose of the social insurance
policy ensure, the safety of social insurance
financing: full collection on time.
State management of social insurance will
directly affect the process of creating social
insurance fund. The State sets out the social
insurance policy, impacts and regulates the
collection activities of social insurance, the
activities of collecting social insurance. Improving
State management over social insurance collection
activities with a view to creating a fair and
democratic mechanism. Social insurance policy to
ensure the legitimate rights of employees when
they contribute to the social insurance fund.
The efficiency of state management over social
insurance revenues for FDI enterprises reflects
the results of state management activities at the
maximum level and the cost of state management
is minimal. The effectiveness of State management
is assessed by the level of achievement compared
with theobjectives. The contents include the results
of the regulation, inspection and supervision of
the State against.
The effectiveness of state management over
University of Labour and Social Affairs*
State management over social insurance continued to be intensified through the VSS’s better
coordination solutions between the State management office on social insurance and social insurance
offices at all levels. Policies for social insurance participants were implemented in a timely manner. To
evaluate the effectiveness of state management of social insurance revenues, the set of criteria to be used
includes: effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and sustainability (ADB, 1999). In this article, the author
evaluates the effectiveness of state management of collection of social insurance for business enterprises.
Key words: State management, collection of social insurance, FDI, efficiency
Received: August 9
, 2018
Revised: September 28
, 2018
Accepted for publication: October 7
, 2018
Overview of state management over social
security for FDI
Direct investment is a category of cross-border
investment made by a resident in one economy
(the direct investor or parent) with the objective
of establishing a lasting interest in an enterprise
(the direct investment enterprise or affiliate) that
is resident in an economy other than that of the
direct investor (OECD, 1994).
FDI enterprise is a form of enterprise classified
according to the criteria of investment capital.
Foreign capital includes official development
assistance (ODA and other forms), commercial
loans, FDI, and capital from international
capital markets. FDI investors are both capital
contributors and direct managers. Investors are
interested in the business activities of enterprises:
financial, human resources, production and
According to the balance of social insurance
fund, improving cover ratio, the employee
and the employer must contribute to the social
insurance fund. Collection social insurance is the
State’s use of its power to compel the subjects
to pay social insurance or allow informal sector
select the income, the method contribution. So,
a centralized monetary fund is established to
ensure social insurance activities.
* Email:
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