TA 2018 vol 4 - page 41

technology is about $1,000/person/year, while
the average spending in developed countries
is $ 55,000/person/year; Salaries of science and
technology researchers are still low)... thus
resulting in low investment efficiency.
- The application of state budget resources
for science and technology is inefficient due
to unproper mechanism. Only a perfect
mechanism can match state budget allocations
for science and technology organizations with
specific requirements for science and technology
Solutions for improving investment policies for
science and technology from the state budget
From the current state of investment in science
and technology development from state budget,
the author would like to propose some solutions
to improve the policy as follows:
continue perfecting the state budget
investment policy for science and technology
activities, aiming to allocate State budget
resources to meet the current demand for science
and technology development; avoid overlapping
investment, thus ensuring the efficient use of state
budget resources for science and technology.
enhance the role and responsibility
of organizations in managing and using the
state budget for science and technology, thus
avoiding inappropriate use, wastage, the state
budget loss.
improve the inspection and
supervision of the research results of science
and technology; Quickly establish a system
criteria assessing completion degrees and the
performance of science and technology bodies;
enforce strict regulations, raise the responsibilities
of independent accreditation organizations;
continue perfecting the information reporting
system, financial and accounting activities
and the explanation for research results of
organizations providing science and technology
continue reviewing, restructuring
and transforming science research organizations
into self-financed units. The state budget will
not fund the regular management but base
on the performance of science and technoogy
organizations. At the same time, in order to
improve the effectiveness of the state budget use
in the coming time, the restructuring of public
science and technology organizations should be
strengthened, the number of the organization
should be reduced, competent science and
technology organizations should be focused on.
In general, because of limited size and
economic potential, investment in science and
technology from the state budget has been a
great effort of the Government in recent years.
However, the resource allocation is not effective
In order to develop the science and technology
market, there should be a comprehensive system
of solutions associated with investment resources
from the state budget. Besides, it is necessary
to diversify investment channels; especially
only from the corporate sector, new strategic
objectives can be easily achieved.
1. Resolution 20/NQ-TW - 6
Plenum of the Party Central Committee,
Session XI;
2. Strategic development of science and technology in the period 2011-
2020 in Decision No. 418/QD-TTg dated April 11
, 2012 of the Prime
3. Decree No. 95/2014/ND-CP dated October 17, 2014 by the Government
on investment and financial mechanism for science and technology
4. Joint Circular No. 55/2015/TTLT-BTC-BKHCN dated April 22
, 2015 of
the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology;
5. Joint Circular No. 16/2015 / TTLT-BKHCN-BTC dated 01/9/2015 of the
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology;
6. The National Assembly (2013) Science and Technology Law in 2013;
7. “Science and Technology of Vietnam in 2014”, Ministry of Science and
8. Joint Circular No. 121/2014/TTLT-BTC-BKHCN dated August 25
, 2014
of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science and Technology
guiding the formulation of cost estimates, management, use and
settlement of funds for the performance of the public science and
technology organization.
In order to develop the science and technology
market, there should be a comprehensive
systemof solutions associatedwith investment
resources from the state budget. Besides, it is
necessary to diversify investment channels,
especially from the corporate sector.
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