TA 2018 vol 4 - page 49

With the above examples, it can be seen that
the organization of urban zones and economic
zones in the world is based on different grounds
and is implemented in different ways. From
the study of the formation and development of
some economic zones/metropolitan areas in some
of these countries, some options can be drawn
for organization, management, exploitation of
Hanoi’s advantages in the Capital Region as
- Planning plays a key role in the selection of
scale, model design, strategy development and
regional development policy planning. Some
points that need attention in the area development
planning are:
+ Sector planning always tends to overwhelm
regional planning.
+ Develop a mechanism and principles of
harmonization between regional planning
and sector planning to ensure the value and
significance of regional planning.
+ There should be a system of principles
in the planning that is open and transparent.
Additionally, there should always have
information interchange among levels with the
participation of people and other related social
+ Be more determined in implementing sector
planning, and creating common property for the
whole region.
- It is necessary to study and promulgate
appropriate coordination mechanisms among
localities and consult with neighboring localities
as regards of planning process in certain fields.
- It is necessary to study one or several
appropriate local organizational models
to coordinate and supervise development
cooperation among localities in the region.
- It is necessary to study, develop and
promulgate a legal framework as well as
mechanisms and policies to encourage social
organizations to actively and fully participate in
policy making as well as implementation and
monitoring of policy implementation.
- It is necessary to study and apply new
theories (neo-economics, competitive advantage
theory, etc.) to encourage the formation and
development of linkages and developing centers
in each region.
- It is necessary to put an end to the activity
of the movement, to avoid awards just for show
in the education sector in particular and in other
fields in general.
In summary, in order to use experiences of
other countries in developing and exploiting
comparative advantages for socio-economic
development in each locality, we should develop
and implement a suitable model with practical
effectiveness to coordinate development of the
The Regional Steering Committee may be
a helpful reference model for management
of planning and investment activities in the
immediate area, namely the Hanoi Capital Region
(in the immediate future) and the Ho Chi Minh
City Area (when being conducted). However, as
implementing development plan, the Steering
Committee model may not be appropriate and
should be replaced by a coordinating body that is
able to tackle issues of interest conflict or out-of-
jurisdiction of each locality.
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