TA 2018 vol 3 - page 16

Apr. 2018
household/month). Some support policies are
too low and have no positive effect. The main
policies are in the form of cash or in material
support, with little indirect support (such as
lending), thus not providing incentives for the
poor households to escape poverty or sustainably
reduce poverty. In addition, due to many policies,
while limited resources lead to fragmented and
dispersed resources, the effectiveness of policy
implementation is low and wasting resources.
Investment in material foundations and
equipment of vocational training was initially
scattered and incomplete, not linked to the
structure and planning of the industry, leading
to the situation of vocational training equipment
in some unused vocational training institutions
or use but not high efficiency. Many vocational
training institutions do not have compatible
facilities and equipment, some schools invest
in equipment when the infrastructure is not
completed leading to waste; Admission and
vocational training face great difficulties.
The loans for job creation are still limited, not
meeting the demand for loans of poor households
and social policy households. On average, the
outstanding loans for household loans are still
low so the economic efficiency resulting from the
loans is not high.
Secondly, in terms of social insurance,
unemployment insurance and health insurance:
compliance with laws is not ensured reflecting in
evasion of unemployment insurance, registration
of unemployment insurance with lower number
than reality; Delaying or retaining in social
insurance occur in all localities. The causes,
in addition to the objective causes, are the
infrequent inspection of social insurance and
health insurance, sanctions for violations are
mild and not serious.
The health insurance fund is being abused by
the medical bases by “duplication” of the test
dossiers, the wrong application of drug prices
or extra cost of treatment days... The issuance
of health insurance cards is also duplicated in
large numbers. According to the reports of the
local financial departments on the results of
inspecting and reviewing the issuance of health
insurance cards from 2010 to 2014, there were
2.3 million duplicated cards, equivalent to the
amount of VND 980 billion which had been
returned to the State budget. Resulting from
ineffective application of information technology,
participants have different types of codes and
without a unique code for effective management.
Thirdly, in terms of social assistance for special
Social assistance policies for
special beneficiaries are promulgated without
calculating entire guaranteed resources resulted
in incomplete implementation causing strain to
the beneficiaries. Specifically, the Government
issued the Decree No. 136/2013/ND-CP dated
October 21
, 2013 regulating social assistance
policies for beneficiaries in replacement of the
Decree No. 67/2007/ND-CP and No. 13/2010/
ND-CP which was effective from January 1
2014. However, due to lack of budget allocation,
thus in 2014, this Decree was temporarily not
implemented. From January 1
, 2015, only
allowances stipulated in the Decree No. 136/2013/
ND-CP were applied to monthly social allowance
beneficiaries of poor households, orphans and
foundlings who did not have support nutrition,
people living in social-allowanced bases. Since
January 1
, 2016, resources had been allocated for
the entire beneficiaries.
In order to effectively use the state budget to
support the social security system, it is necessary
to focus on the following tasks:
Firstly, accelerating service payment method
The payment of support to beneficiaries
68,203 tonnes
to support students
in provinces
10,794 tonnes
between-crop period
and diseases
14,584 tonnes
for a orestation projects
13,504 tonnes
to aid with oods
and disasters
14,114 tonnes
during the Lunar New Year
Source: General Department of State Reserves
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