TA 2018 vol 3 - page 17

(social security, pension recipients, monthly
social insurance benefits, revolution-merited
beneficiaries) were transferred from state
management agencies to professional payment
organizations. This helps reduce the pressure for
statemanagement agencies, increase the efficiency
of payment and avoid misunderstandings,
misuse and abuse of policies.
Accordingly, the authorized agencies
allocating the state budget expenditure to
implement the policy shall contract with the
payment service organizations clearly stating the
interests of each party, the process of transferring
money and settlement, location, time and fees.
Beneficiaries will receive money at home without
spending time and travel costs.
Secondly, applying of information technology to
the implement of social security policy.
The application of information technology in
solving social security policy will improve the
efficiency of state management. Specific tasks
- Developing information technology
application software, updating the national
database on social security including information
on social policy beneficiaries and policies,
integrating information into the national
database, setting up indicators system, input
and output indicators, ensuring database of
component updates, management, integration
and exchange of social security database.
- Building an online social security portal.
- Ensuring the inter-system of software
between social insurance agencies and between
the social insurance agencies and the employment
service centers.
Thirdly, reviewing the integration of policies
towards reduction of focal points, limiting free policies.
To effectively implement the objectives and
contents set out in the Decision No. 1259/QD-TTg
dated August 22
, 2007 promulgating the plan
for revising and integrating policies on poverty
reduction for the period of 2017-2018, specifically,
integrating the documents on elementary
education supports, policy scholarships and
learning support for local cadres of disadvantaged
areas; Avoiding direct support policies for poor
households in disadvantaged areas and changing
the mode of electricity allowance for poor
The integration, amendment or abolition of
the policy were conducted in the manner of:
defining clearly the role of host and participants,
having a specific coordination mechanism right
from the planning stage, allocating resources
and instructing the implementation of resource-
intergrated policies; Reducing the policies of
free grants, increasing the conditional support
policies in association with beneficiaries, areas
and time to improve the accessibility to policy...
Fourthly, change the mode of state budget
Gradually change by the mode of state
budget support in the provision of public service
delivery, from budget allocation to bidding
based on the system of technical and economic
norms, criteria and quality standards of each
type of public service delivery to create a healthy
competition environment between public and
non-public establishments and develop. The
State plays a key role in ensuring and providing
principal public service delivery to the vulnerable
1. Resolution No. 15-NQ/TW dated June 1
, 2012 of the 5
plenum of the
Central Committee on the issues of social policy for the period of
2. Decision No. 71/2009/QD-TTg dated April 29
, 2009 approving the
scheme on supporting poor districts to improve labor export and
contributing to sustainable poverty reduction for the period of 2009-
3. Decision No-1259/QD-TTg dated August 22
, 2017 of the Prime
Minister on the plan for reviewing the integration of poverty reduction
policies for the period of 2017-2018;
4. Project on restructure of the state budget and public debts to ensure a
safe and sustainable finance in 2016;
5. Nguyen Thi Le Thu, Ph.D. - Issues of current social security policy in
Vietnam and recommendations – National Institute for Finance.
By November 30
, 2017, loans made for
housingprogramfor thepoor householdswere
VND 992.9 billion; Loans to poor households
to build flood shelters were VND 6.3 billion.
Simultaneously, the loans for rural water
supply and environmental sanitation program
were VND 6,881.5 billion.
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