TA 2018 vol 3 - page 15

Social insurance:
In 2017, a total of VND 43,709
billion was allocated to pay social insurance and
pension for about 1,238 million people funded
by the state budget. Balance of social insurance
fund by the end of 2017 was about VND 533,000
Unemployment insurance:
by the end of 2017,
the unemployment insurance contribution
amounted to VND 66.697 billion with 11,521
million participants, equivalent to 11 times the
total expenses of the previous year. Therefore, in
2016 and 2017, the state budget did not have to
support the unemployment insurance fund.
Social assistance for special beneficiaries
The central budget has been included in the
local budget balance to implement the policies
stipulated in the Law on the Elderly People, the
Law on Persons with Disabilities, The Decree
No. 136/2013/ND-CP dated October 21
, 2013 of
the Government on social assistance for social
beneficiaries was VND 16,265 billion (including
monthly allowance and costs of health insurance
cards for the beneficiaries).
The Government has exported 127,000 tons of
rice with a total value of about VND 1,179 billion
(Supporting the Lunar New Year in 2017 with
14,114 tons of rice; rice seeds, disease outbreak
with 10,794 tons; Supporting for afforestation
projects of 14,584 tons with rice; Assisting
students with 68,203 tons of rice. In addition, the
Government also provided goods for disaster
prevention and mitigation with a total value of
about VND 284.8 billion including: 90 sets of
boats; 1,780 canvas; 61,000 life vests; 1,005 life
Guaranteed minimum supply of specific basic services
The central budget has been allocated in the
local budget balance in 2017 to implement policies
in the field of education and training, vocational
training about VND 5,065 billion, supplementing
the local budget to implement this policy with
1,619 billion VND. By November 30
, 2017, the
total value of loans for disadvantaged students
through the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies was
VND 1,899.5 billion.
Estimated balance of health insurance fund by
the end of 2017 about VND 41.712 billion. Apart
from the budget allocated in 2017 about VND
19,975 billion to implement the health insurance
policy for the poor, ethnic minorities, children
under 6, the near poor households and students,
supplement the localities to implement this policy
was VND 2.584 billion.
By November 30
, 2017, loans made for
housing program for the poor households were
VND 992.9 billion; Loans to poor households
to build flood shelters were VND 6.3 billion.
Simultaneously, the loans for rural water supply
and environmental sanitation program were
VND 6,881.5 billion.
The central budget allocated VND 80 billion
(non-businesscapital) forcommunication,poverty
reduction and information dissemination under
the National Targeted Program for Sustainable
Poverty Reduction for communication, the
responsibility of the entire society for poverty
reduction. In addition, poor households and
near-poor households are supported by the State
with the use of fixed-line or post-paid land-based
mobile communications services at the prices of
public utility telecommunication services.
The short comings of resources funded
by the state budget for social security
In recent years, the current social security
system has achieved certain results, still faced
some shortcomings such as:
Firstly, on the aspects of employment, vocational
training, poverty reduction:
At present, the number
of policies to reduce poverty is high (there are
over 150 policies) inmany documents; Policies are
overlapped, duplicated in terms of objectives or
geographical areas. Some policies have improper
support modes (for example, electricity subsidy
policies for poor households, social policy
beneficiaries: expenses of moving from home to
workplace of many households in remote areas
are higher than the subsidy level of VND 46,000/
The end of 2017, the unemployment insurance
contribution amounted to VND 66.697 billion
with 11,521 million participants, equivalent to
11timesthetotalexpensesof thepreviousyear.
Therefore, in 2016 and 2017, the state budget
did not have to support the unemployment
insurance fund.
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